non-profit organization founded as a platform for dialogue between authoritative industry business communities and associations, expert and certification companies


Eurasian Association for Sustainability and Security EAASS understands its Mission as promoting the development of international cooperation in ensuring the safety, continuity and reliability of the supply chain of goods and services from the manufacturer to the final consumer, as well as in preventing possible threats that could negatively affect efficiency and reputation companies
    1. Board
    2. Council
    3. Accreditation Committee
    4. Technical Committee
    5. Certification Committee

“EAASS is committed to strengthening the trust of all stakeholders in sustainable development by promoting constructive dialogue and open cooperation”

Chairwoman of EAASS
Marina Kondral

As part of international cooperation, we undertake certain obligations and take an active part in the work of international organizations and committees. Through our commitment to impartiality, we make a significant contribution to the development of the continuity and reliability of the supply chain for goods and services in Europe, Asia and around the world. We facilitate the continuous transfer of knowledge between stakeholders in the quality, safety and sustainability infrastructure.
Member Benefits
As an EAASS Associate Member you can access:

  • More than 10 expert advice in various industries
  • Advisory forums and other working structures addressing strategic industry issues (e.g. sustainable development, climate change and energy, health, safety and environment, product management and industrial policy)
  • Information about global security issues
  • News about the development of industries and research from international institutions
  • Eurasian and world industrial statistics
  • EAASS seminars and master classes
  • Annual international conference
  • Wide range of special services

For any questions, contact us in any convenient way:

Eurasian Association for Sustainability and Security

+375 29 655 04 04

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